An open letter to the outgoing SFWA board of directors re: Theodore Beale

Dear board members—

I’m sure you’re sick of hearing about Mr. Beale so I’ll be brief: I don’t know if we still (or yet) have a code of conduct but I can’t imagine that if we did have one his use of the @SFWAAuthors Twitter feed to spread his attack on Nora Jemisin would be allowable under it. (The attack itself, even without dragging in @SFWAAuthors, seems to me to clearly violate sections 3, 4, and probably 7 of the one we used to have. Of course, section 10 of that code kind of pulls most of its teeth.)

I’m writing to ask you to take the strongest steps you think are allowable under our current bylaws to discipline Mr. Beale, whether that’s censure, expulsion, or some other punishment to be named later. At this point I’m not sure anything could be better for SFWA’s public image than to have someone like Mr. Beale outside it shouting loudly about how unwelcome he is in it.

And I’d also like to ask you to please pass on to the incoming board my hope that issues of harrassment, professional misconduct, and putting SFWA into disrepute will be high on their priority list for next year.

With sincere thanks for all your hard work, and sincere regret that the bad behavior of a few individuals has overshadowed it recently in the public eye—

—David Moles

More on Builders, or, favor immutability

A while back I posted a basic Builder example on Stack Overflow. User Marcel Stör complained:

Problem with this approach is that you need to define all the members twice, once in the builder and once in the actual class. [This answer] shows how this can be avoided. With that other approach, however, you cannot have final members although the object itself is still immutable.

Marcel Stör

Well, I looked at that answer, from user Yishai, and I didn’t like it.

I don’t know, I’m not a fan of that approach — the builder’s not reusable, it’s not thread-safe, and you can’t design the build product class to guarantee it’s fully initialized at construction. If I was really worried about DRY, I’d probably use an immutable (copy-on-write) builder and make the last builder instance double as the build product’s immutable data.

David Moles

After I wrote that, I thought I should put some code where my mouth was. So: here’s the original version (more or less), with the fields declared in both the Builder and its product, the Widget:

public class Widget implements IWidget
    public static class Builder implements IWidgetBuilder<Widget>
        private String name;
        private String model;
        private String upc;
        private double price;
        private Manufacturer manufacturer;

        public Builder ( String name, double price )
   = name;
            this.price = price;

        public Widget build ()
            Widget product = new Widget( this );
            validate( product );
            return product;

        public Builder manufacturer ( Manufacturer value )
            this.manufacturer = value;
            return this;

        public Builder upc ( String value )
            this.upc = value;
            return this;

        public Builder model ( String value )
            this.model = value;
            return this;

        private static void validate ( Widget product )
            assert product.getName() != null : "Product must have a name";
            assert product.getPrice() >= 0 : "Product price cannot be negative";
            Manufacturer mfgr = product.getManufacturer();
            if ( mfgr != null )
                String upc = product.getUpc();
                assert upc != null;
                assert upc.startsWith( mfgr.getCode() ) : "Product UPC does not match manufacturer";

    private final String name;
    private final String model;
    private final String upc;
    private final double price;
    private final Manufacturer manufacturer;

     * Creates an immutable widget instance.
    private Widget ( Builder b )
    { =;
        this.price = b.price;
        this.model = b.model;
        this.upc = b.upc;
        this.manufacturer = b.manufacturer;

    public Manufacturer getManufacturer ()
        return manufacturer;

    public String getModel ()
        return model;

    public String getName ()
        return name;

    public double getPrice ()
        return price;

    public String getUpc ()
        return upc;

And here’s the new version: the fields are only declared in the Builder, and they’re always final. The Builder itself is immutable, using a copy-on-write pattern, and the last Builder instance becomes the state of the Widget it produces.

public class Widget2 implements IWidget
    public static class Builder implements IWidgetBuilder<Widget2>
        private final String name;
        private final String model;
        private final String upc;
        private final double price;
        private final Manufacturer manufacturer;

        public Builder ( String name, double price )
            this( name, null, null, price, null );

        private Builder ( String name, String model, String upc, double price, Manufacturer manufacturer )
            this.manufacturer = manufacturer;
            this.model = model;
   = name;
            this.price = price;
            this.upc = upc;

        public Widget2 build ()
            Widget2 product = new Widget2( this );
            validate( product );
            return product;

        public Builder manufacturer ( Manufacturer value )
            return new Builder(, this.model, this.upc, this.price, value );

        public Builder upc ( String value )
            return new Builder(, this.model, value, this.price, this.manufacturer );

        public Builder model ( String value )
            return new Builder(, value, this.upc, this.price, this.manufacturer );

        private static void validate ( Widget2 product )
            assert product.getName() != null : "Product must have a name";
            assert product.getPrice() >= 0 : "Product price cannot be negative";
            Manufacturer mfgr = product.getManufacturer();
            if ( mfgr != null )
                String upc = product.getUpc();
                assert upc != null;
                assert upc.startsWith( mfgr.getCode() ) : "Product UPC does not match manufacturer";


    private final Builder b;

     * Creates an immutable widget instance.
    private Widget2 ( Builder b )
        this.b = b;

    public Manufacturer getManufacturer ()
        return b.manufacturer;

    public String getModel ()
        return b.model;

    public String getName ()

    public double getPrice ()
        return b.price;

    public String getUpc ()
        return b.upc;

Voilà, DRY. Sadly, it only ends up one line shorter (thanks to the extra Builder constructor), but at least it doesn’t define anything twice!